WELCOME project is organizing a workshop "Monitoring, management and reuse of marine litter" to be held in Lecce, February 7, 2020 starting at 9 am at the Open Space of Palazzo Carafa, Via Francesco Rubichi 16, Lecce.
The workshop is organized - with the support of the Municipality of Lecce - by CoNISMa (National Interuniversity Consortium for Sea Sciences), Coordinator of the WELCOME project "WatEr LandsCapes sustainability thrOugh reuse of Marine littEr", funded under the INTERREG - IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014/2020 programme.
The workshop is addressed to institutions and operators in the marine environment sector such as regional and national public authorities, agencies for the protection of the marine environment and coastal areas, local administrations, non-governmental organisations, bathing establishments, fishing cooperatives, scuba diving centres, marina managers, voluntary groups, environmental organisations and, more generally, all citizens.
The main topics of the meeting will be the state of the art knowledge on marine litter and the phenomenon of dune erosion in the Mediterranean, with particular attention to Salento, as well as the analysis of the current legal regulatory framework, strategic policies and good practices to be adopted to reduce and recycle marine litter and to stem the phenomenon of dune erosion.