Public enterprise for coastal zone management of Montenegro, as a partner in the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro project “WELCOME” funded by EU funds, in coordination with all project partners organize Final project meeting and Final workshop on results of the WELCOME project, that will be held on December the 3rd and 4th, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will be held online via ZOOM Cloud Meeting Platform.
The WELCOME project, whose implementation started in April 2018 and will last until the end of December 2020, is focused on sustainable marine litter management, as well as on strengthening cross-border cooperation between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, with the aim of solving the problem of marine litter, which has been increasing in this area in recent years. The main overall objective of the WELCOME project is to support the long-term marine litter management through the development of guidelines, the testing of a soft method for coastal dune consolidation using wood marine litter and the increase of public awareness on sustainable development. The main results are the set-up of integrated initiatives in the field of coastal environmental risks prevention and biodiversity safeguard and the creation of a sustainable value chain, based on the reuse of ML by artists and architects. Six institutions from Italy, Albania and Montenegro participating in the project: National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences who is the lead partner and Municipality of Lecce from Italy, National Coastline Agency and University of Tirana - Faculty of Geology and Mining from Albania, Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro and University of Montenegro - Institute of Marine Biology from Montenegro.
During this two-day conference project partners will present the main results and outputs of WELCOME project. First day will be devoted to the Final project meeting where the main results and conducted activities including beach clean up activities, results of marine litter research activities, dune restoration and raising awareness activities will be presented. Second day will be dedicated to the Final workshop on project results including technical session related to the ML management and scientific round table aimed at discussion about next actions on ML studies and dune protection.
This event will be held in English language.