Public enterprise for coastal zone management of Montenegro extends the deadline and invites all interested landscape architects, architects, designers and artists to participate in COMPETITION FOR DESIGN OF PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES FOR SAVING SAND DUNES ON THE BEACH VELIKA PLAŽA IN ULCINJ (WOODEN FENCES AND PASARELLA) which is announced under the project "WELCOME" (WatEr LandsCapes sustainability thrOugh reuse of Marine littEr) funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020 Program.
The new deadline for submission of the proposed solutions is November 11th, 2019.
All information, the competition rules and the application form you can find in the document "COMPETITION FOR DESIGN OF PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES FOR SAVING SAND DUNES ON THE BEACH VELIKA PLAŽA" which you can download from the website of Public enterprise for coastal zone management of Montenegro www.morskodobro.com